
Marifer S.

TAE para mi, es una gran escuela para mi hija. Estoy muy contenta porque cada vez que la recojo, ella sale con una gran sonrisa y para mi eso es lo más importante. Mi hija está muy feliz con sus compañeros y sus misses y yo he encontrado una gran comunidad. Sin duda la recomiendo siempre.

Roberto P.

Mi hijo ha estado en TAE desde Kinder 1, este año se gradúa de la secundaria y para mi siempre ha sido una experiencia encantadora. Me gusta la forma en la que integran a los padres en las actividades, porque así podemos estar al pendiente de lo que hacen nuestros hijos.

Griselda A.

Para mí el TAE es una muy buena escuela, me gusta el nivel académico que tienen y los niveles de inglés que llevan. Mi hijo ha tenido mucho progreso en los idiomas, como este año que se acreditó en el examen DELF y eso me hace sentirme orgullosa y feliz por sus logros que sé que son gracias a la gran escuela en la que está.

Berenice L.

Me encanta el preescolar TAE, las instalaciones, las maestras, las actividades que mis hijas hacen todos los días y que me cuentan tan emocionada. Definitivamente recomiendo TAE como la mejor opción al buscar escuela para tus hijos.

Damián B.

El acompañamiento que los profesores tienen con los niños es inigualable.

Cristina H.

Recomiendo el TAE porque es una escuela que le da una apertura internacional a mis hijos.

Escuela Thomas Alva Edison

Welcome to Tomas Alva
Edison School

Our academic approach is student-centered and focused on learning.

We shape our students through strong values and good habits which result in happy, authentic and successful individuals who are able to excel in every aspect of their lives.

The academic excellence and the human side of our educational approach is reflected in every one of our alumni, who build their own knowledge, discover their passions and of whom we feel very proud.


What makes TAE special?

We have world-class pedagogical methodologies which further push the skills and knowledge of each student and are put into action with guidance from our highly trained professors.

The Amazing Learning methodology helps our students achieve a multicultural approach to their critical thinking and encourages them to dig deeper into their favorite subjects. With students becoming so captivated they become more participative and take a better approach to their own learning.

Que hace especial a TAE


We are part of the International Schools Partnership (ISP), a group with more than 45 schools around the world, which guarantees a network of international connections and allows us to ensure learning with world standards.

Being a part of ISP also offers our students the opportunity to learn and collaborate in a global environment, highlighting their skills and introducing them to different cultures through various resources, including our ILOS

Our Community

Comunidad estudiantil TAE

Our community starts with you.

From your first contact with our school, we offer a warm environment in which you will feel welcome and involved. We engage with our parents on a regular basis to ensure they are part of the planning process that sets the future direction and helps us to remain a top school in Mexico City.

We conduct an annual parent satisfaction survey to ensure that parents help to guide and inform our strategy for improvement which we re-visit each year.

We are focused on creating an environment in which the whole community thrives, as well as our students.

As part of ISP your child will interact with students in other schools in different countries, and develop a greater understanding of the cultures and issues in other communities.


Do not miss the opportunity to be part of TAE
